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Image depicting the process of Prospective Gap Identification using HCC RAF Batch Scoring for efficient risk adjustment coding.
Prospective Gap Identification with
HCC RAF Batch Scoring
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ICD-10-CM Title "N"
(“neuritis,rheumatoid“) N Title - (“neuritis,rheumatoid“)

ICD-10-CM Index N Title - (“neuritis,rheumatoid“)

    • Neuritis(rheumatoid) M79.2
      • acoustic(nerve)  H93.3 Diagnosis Flag for acoustic(nerve) (H93.3)Diagnosis Hierarchy for acoustic(nerve) (H93.3)


        • in(due to)Diagnosis Hierarchy for in(due to)


          • infectious disease NEC  B99
          • parasitic disease NEC  B89
        • syphilitic  A52.15 Diagnosis Flag for syphilitic (A52.15)
      • alcoholic  G62.1 Diagnosis Flag for alcoholic (G62.1)Diagnosis Hierarchy for alcoholic (G62.1)


      • amyloid, any site E85.4 Diagnosis Flag for amyloid, any site (E85.4)
      • auditory(nerve)
      • cranial nerveDiagnosis Hierarchy for cranial nerve


        • due to Lyme disease  A69.22 Diagnosis Flag for due to Lyme disease (A69.22)
        • eighth or acoustic or auditory
        • eleventh or accessory  G52.8
        • fifth or trigeminal  G50.-
        • first or olfactory  G52.0 Diagnosis Flag for first or olfactory (G52.0)
        • fourth or trochlear - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
        • second or optic - see Neuritis, optic
        • seventh or facial  G51.8Diagnosis Hierarchy for seventh or facial (G51.8)


          • newborn(birth injury)  P11.3 Diagnosis Flag for newborn(birth injury) (P11.3)
        • sixth or abducent - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
        • tenth or vagus  G52.2 Diagnosis Flag for tenth or vagus (G52.2)
        • third or oculomotor - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
        • twelfth or hypoglossal  G52.3 Diagnosis Flag for twelfth or hypoglossal (G52.3)
      • Déjérine-Sottas G60.0 Diagnosis Flag for Déjérine-Sottas (G60.0)
      • diabetic(mononeuropathy)Diagnosis Hierarchy for diabetic(mononeuropathy)


        • polyneuropathy
      • due toDiagnosis Hierarchy for due to


        • beriberi  E51.11 Diagnosis Flag for beriberi (E51.11)
        • displacement, prolapse or rupture, intervertebral disc - see Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy
        • herniation, nucleus pulposus  M51.9 Diagnosis Flag for herniation, nucleus pulposus (M51.9)
      • endemic E51.11 Diagnosis Flag for endemic (E51.11)
      • facial  G51.8Diagnosis Hierarchy for facial (G51.8)


        • newborn(birth injury)  P11.3 Diagnosis Flag for newborn(birth injury) (P11.3)
      • geniculate ganglion  G51.1Diagnosis Hierarchy for geniculate ganglion (G51.1)


        • due to herpes(zoster)  B02.21 Diagnosis Flag for due to herpes(zoster) (B02.21)
      • gouty M10.9 Diagnosis Flag for gouty (M10.9)
      • hypoglossal(nerve) G52.3 Diagnosis Flag for hypoglossal(nerve) (G52.3)
      • infectious(multiple) NEC G61.0 Diagnosis Flag for infectious(multiple) NEC (G61.0)
      • interstitial hypertrophic progressive G60.0 Diagnosis Flag for interstitial hypertrophic progressive (G60.0)
      • multiple - see also PolyneuropathyDiagnosis Hierarchy for multiple


        • endemic  E51.11 Diagnosis Flag for endemic (E51.11)
        • infective, acute  G61.0 Diagnosis Flag for infective, acute (G61.0)
      • multiplex endemica E51.11 Diagnosis Flag for multiplex endemica (E51.11)
      • olfactory nerve G52.0 Diagnosis Flag for olfactory nerve (G52.0)
      • optic(nerve) (hereditary) (sympathetic)  H46.9Diagnosis Hierarchy for optic(nerve) (hereditary) (sympathetic) (H46.9)


        • with demyelination  G36.0 Diagnosis Flag for with demyelination (G36.0)
        • in myelitis  G36.0 Diagnosis Flag for in myelitis (G36.0)
        • nutritional  H46.2
        • papillitis - see Papillitis, optic
        • retrobulbar  H46.1-
        • specified type NEC  H46.8
        • toxic  H46.3
      • peripheral(nerve)  G62.9 Diagnosis Flag for peripheral(nerve) (G62.9)Diagnosis Hierarchy for peripheral(nerve) (G62.9)


      • pneumogastric(nerve) G52.2 Diagnosis Flag for pneumogastric(nerve) (G52.2)
      • postherpetic, postzoster B02.29 Diagnosis Flag for postherpetic, postzoster (B02.29)
      • progressive hypertrophic interstitial G60.0 Diagnosis Flag for progressive hypertrophic interstitial (G60.0)
      • retrobulbar - see also Neuritis, optic, retrobulbarDiagnosis Hierarchy for retrobulbar


        • in(due to)Diagnosis Hierarchy for in(due to)


          • late syphilis  A52.15 Diagnosis Flag for late syphilis (A52.15)
          • meningococcal infection  A39.82
        • meningococcal  A39.82
        • syphilitic  A52.15 Diagnosis Flag for syphilitic (A52.15)
      • shoulder-girdle G54.5 Diagnosis Flag for shoulder-girdle (G54.5)
      • specified nerve NEC G58.8
      • syphilitic A52.15 Diagnosis Flag for syphilitic (A52.15)
      • toxic NEC G62.2 Diagnosis Flag for toxic NEC (G62.2)
      • vagus(nerve) G52.2 Diagnosis Flag for vagus(nerve) (G52.2)