Effortless RAF Score Calculation: Streamline the Process with Ease!
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Image depicting the process of Prospective Gap Identification using HCC RAF Batch Scoring for efficient risk adjustment coding.
Prospective Gap Identification with
HCC RAF Batch Scoring
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ICD-10-CM Title "C"
(“compression“) C Title - (“compression“)

ICD-10-CM Index C Title - (“compression“)

    • Compression
      • with injury - code by Nature of injury
      • artery  I77.1 Diagnosis Flag for artery (I77.1)Diagnosis Hierarchy for artery (I77.1)


        • celiac, syndrome  I77.4 Diagnosis Flag for celiac, syndrome (I77.4)
      • brachial plexus G54.0 Diagnosis Flag for brachial plexus (G54.0)
      • brain(stem)  G93.5 Diagnosis Flag for brain(stem) (G93.5)Diagnosis Hierarchy for brain(stem) (G93.5)


        • due toDiagnosis Hierarchy for due to


          • contusion(diffuse) - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse  S06.A0 Diagnosis Flag for contusion(diffuse) (S06.A0)Diagnosis Hierarchy for contusion(diffuse) (S06.A0)


            • with herniation  S06.A1 Diagnosis Flag for with herniation (S06.A1)
            • focal - see also Injury, intracranial, focal  S06.A0 Diagnosis Flag for focal (S06.A0)Diagnosis Hierarchy for focal (S06.A0)


              • with herniation  S06.A1 Diagnosis Flag for with herniation (S06.A1)
          • injury NEC - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse  S06.A0 Diagnosis Flag for injury NEC (S06.A0)
        • nontraumatic  G93.5 Diagnosis Flag for nontraumatic (G93.5)
        • traumatic - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse  S06.A0 Diagnosis Flag for traumatic (S06.A0)Diagnosis Hierarchy for traumatic (S06.A0)


          • with herniation  S06.A1 Diagnosis Flag for with herniation (S06.A1)
      • bronchus J98.09 Diagnosis Flag for bronchus (J98.09)
      • cauda equina G83.4 Diagnosis Flag for cauda equina (G83.4)
      • celiac(artery) (axis) I77.4 Diagnosis Flag for celiac(artery) (axis) (I77.4)
      • cranial nerve  G52.9Diagnosis Hierarchy for cranial nerve (G52.9)


        • eighth
        • eleventh  G52.8
        • fifth  G50.8 Diagnosis Flag for fifth (G50.8)
        • first  G52.0 Diagnosis Flag for first (G52.0)
        • fourth - see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve
        • ninth  G52.1 Diagnosis Flag for ninth (G52.1)
        • second - see Disorder, nerve, optic
        • seventh  G51.8
        • sixth - see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve
        • tenth  G52.2 Diagnosis Flag for tenth (G52.2)
        • third - see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
        • twelfth  G52.3 Diagnosis Flag for twelfth (G52.3)
      • diver's squeeze T70.3 Diagnosis Flag for diver's squeeze (T70.3)
      • during birth(newborn) P15.9 Diagnosis Flag for during birth(newborn) (P15.9)
      • esophagus K22.2 Diagnosis Flag for esophagus (K22.2)
      • laryngeal nerve, recurrent  G52.2 Diagnosis Flag for laryngeal nerve, recurrent (G52.2)Diagnosis Hierarchy for laryngeal nerve, recurrent (G52.2)


        • with paralysis of vocal cords and larynx  J38.00Diagnosis Hierarchy for with paralysis of vocal cords and larynx (J38.00)


      • lumbosacral plexus G54.1
      • lung J98.4 Diagnosis Flag for lung (J98.4)
      • lymphatic vessel I89.0 Diagnosis Flag for lymphatic vessel (I89.0)
      • sympathetic nerve NEC G90.89
      • syndrome T79.5 Diagnosis Flag for syndrome (T79.5)
      • umbilical cordDiagnosis Hierarchy for umbilical cord


        • complicating delivery  O69.2 Diagnosis Flag for complicating delivery (O69.2)Diagnosis Hierarchy for complicating delivery (O69.2)


          • cord around neck  O69.1
          • prolapse  O69.0
          • specified NEC  O69.2 Diagnosis Flag for specified NEC (O69.2)
      • ureter N13.5 Diagnosis Flag for ureter (N13.5)
      • vein I87.1 Diagnosis Flag for vein (I87.1)
      • vena cava(inferior) (superior) I87.1 Diagnosis Flag for vena cava(inferior) (superior) (I87.1)