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ICD-10-CM-eIndex Title "E"
(“exposure“) E Title - (“exposure“)

ICD-10-CM Index E Title - (“exposure“)

    • Exposure(to) X58
      • cold(accidental) (excessive) (extreme) (natural) (place)  X31 Diagnosis Flag for cold(accidental) (excessive) (extreme) (natural) (place) (X31)Diagnosis Hierarchy for cold(accidental) (excessive) (extreme) (natural) (place) (X31)


        • assault  Y08.89
        • due toDiagnosis Hierarchy for due to


          • man-made conditions  W93.8Diagnosis Hierarchy for man-made conditions (W93.8)


            • dry ice(contact)  W93.01Diagnosis Hierarchy for dry ice(contact) (W93.01)


            • liquid air(contact) (hydrogen) (nitrogen)  W93.11 Diagnosis Flag for liquid air(contact) (hydrogen) (nitrogen) (W93.11)Diagnosis Hierarchy for liquid air(contact) (hydrogen) (nitrogen) (W93.11)


              • inhalation  W93.12 Diagnosis Flag for inhalation (W93.12)
            • refrigeration unit(deep freeze)  W93.2
            • suicide(attempt)  X83.2
          • weather(conditions)  X31 Diagnosis Flag for weather(conditions) (X31)
        • homicide(attempt)  Y08.89
        • self-inflicted  X83.2
      • due to abandonment or neglect X58 Diagnosis Flag for due to abandonment or neglect (X58)
      • electric current  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for electric current (W86.8)Diagnosis Hierarchy for electric current (W86.8)


        • appliance(faulty)  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for appliance(faulty) (W86.8)Diagnosis Hierarchy for appliance(faulty) (W86.8)


        • caused by other person  Y08.89
        • conductor(faulty)  W86.1 Diagnosis Flag for conductor(faulty) (W86.1)
        • control apparatus(faulty)  W86.1 Diagnosis Flag for control apparatus(faulty) (W86.1)
        • electric power generating plant, distribution station  W86.1 Diagnosis Flag for electric power generating plant, distribution station (W86.1)
        • electroshock gun - see Exposure, electric current, taser
        • high-voltage cable  W85 Diagnosis Flag for high-voltage cable (W85)
        • homicide(attempt)  Y08.89
        • legal execution - see Legal, intervention, specified means NEC
        • lightning
        • live rail  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for live rail (W86.8)
        • misadventure in medical or surgical procedure in electroshock therapy  Y63.4
        • motor(electric) (faulty)  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for motor(electric) (faulty) (W86.8)Diagnosis Hierarchy for motor(electric) (faulty) (W86.8)


        • self-inflicted  X83.1
        • specified NEC  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for specified NEC (W86.8)Diagnosis Hierarchy for specified NEC (W86.8)


        • stun gun - see Exposure, electric current, taser
        • suicide(attempt)  X83.1
        • taser  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for taser (W86.8)Diagnosis Hierarchy for taser (W86.8)


          • assault  Y08.89
          • legal intervention
          • self-harm(intentional)  X83.8
          • undeternined intent  Y33
        • third rail  W86.8 Diagnosis Flag for third rail (W86.8)
        • transformer(faulty)  W86.1 Diagnosis Flag for transformer(faulty) (W86.1)
        • transmission lines  W85 Diagnosis Flag for transmission lines (W85)
      • environmental tobacco smoke X58 Diagnosis Flag for environmental tobacco smoke (X58)
      • excessiveDiagnosis Hierarchy for excessive


        • cold - see Exposure, cold
        • heat(natural) NEC  X30 Diagnosis Flag for heat(natural) NEC (X30)Diagnosis Hierarchy for heat(natural) NEC (X30)


          • man-made  W92
      • factor(s) NOS  X58 Diagnosis Flag for factor(s) NOS (X58)Diagnosis Hierarchy for factor(s) NOS (X58)


        • environmental NEC  X58 Diagnosis Flag for environmental NEC (X58)Diagnosis Hierarchy for environmental NEC (X58)


        • specified NEC  X58 Diagnosis Flag for specified NEC (X58)
      • G-forces(abnormal) W49.9
      • gravitational forces(abnormal) W49.9
      • heat(natural) NEC - see Heat
      • high-pressure jet(hydraulic) (pneumatic) W49.9
      • inanimate mechanical force W49.9
      • jet, high-pressure(hydraulic) (pneumatic) W49.9
      • mechanical forces NEC  W49.9Diagnosis Hierarchy for mechanical forces NEC (W49.9)


        • animate NEC  W64
        • inanimate NEC  W49.9
      • noise  W42.9 Diagnosis Flag for noise (W42.9)Diagnosis Hierarchy for noise (W42.9)


      • noxious substance
      • prolonged in deep-freeze unit or refrigerator W93.2
      • smoke - see also Exposure, fireDiagnosis Hierarchy for smoke


        • tobacco, second hand  Z77.22 Diagnosis Flag for tobacco, second hand (Z77.22)
      • specified factors NEC X58 Diagnosis Flag for specified factors NEC (X58)
      • sunlight  X32Diagnosis Hierarchy for sunlight (X32)


        • man-made(sun lamp)  W89.8Diagnosis Hierarchy for man-made(sun lamp) (W89.8)


      • transmission line(s), electric W85 Diagnosis Flag for transmission line(s), electric (W85)
      • wavesDiagnosis Hierarchy for waves


        • infrasound  W49.9
        • sound  W42.9 Diagnosis Flag for sound (W42.9)
        • supersonic  W42.0