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ICD-10-CM-NeoPlasms-Index Title "T"

ICD-10-CM Table of NeoPlasms (T Title)

Substance / Neoplasms Benign Ca in situ Malignant Primary Malignant Secondary Uncertain Behavior Unspecified Behavior
tapetum, brain D33.2 - C71.8 C79.31 D43.2 D49.6
tarsus(any bone) D16.3- - C40.3- C79.51 - -
temple(skin) D23.39 D04.39 C44.309 C79.2 D48.5 D49.2
  • temporal
    • bone
    • lobe or pole
    • region
      • skin
  • D36.7 D09.8 C76.0 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    D23.39 D04.39 C44.309 C79.2 D48.5 D49.2
    tentorium(cerebelli) D32.0 - C70.0 C79.32 D42.0 D49.7
  • testis, testes
    • descended
    • ectopic
    • retained
    • scrotal
    • undescended
    • unspecified whether descended or undescended
  • D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    D29.2- D07.69 C62.9- C79.82 D40.1- D49.59
    thalamus D33.0 - C71.0 C79.31 D43.0 D49.6
    thigh NEC D36.7 D04.7- C76.5- C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
  • thorax, thoracic(cavity) (organs NEC)
    • duct
    • wall NEC
  • D36.7 D09.8 C76.1 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    D36.7 D09.8 C76.1 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    D36.7 D09.8 C76.1 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    throat D10.9 D00.08 C14.0 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    thumb NEC D36.7 D04.6- C76.4- C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    thymus(gland) D15.0 D09.3 C37 C79.89 D38.4 D49.89
    thyroglossal duct D34 D09.3 C73 C79.89 D44.0 D49.7
  • thyroid(gland)
    • cartilage
  • D34 D09.3 C73 C79.89 D44.0 D49.7
    D34 D09.3 C73 C79.89 D44.0 D49.7
    tibia(any part) D16.2- - C40.2- C79.51 - -
    toe NEC D36.7 D04.7- C76.5- C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
  • tongue
    • anterior(two-thirds) NEC
      • dorsal surface
      • ventral surface
    • base(dorsal surface)
    • border(lateral)
    • dorsal surface NEC
    • fixed part NEC
    • foreamen cecum
    • frenulum linguae
    • junctional zone
    • margin(lateral)
    • midline NEC
    • mobile part NEC
    • overlapping lesion
    • posterior(third)
    • root
    • surface(dorsal)
      • base
      • ventral
    • tip
    • tonsil
  • D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.3 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.0 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.2 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.0 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C01 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.2 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
    D10.1 D00.07 C02.9 C79.89 D37.02 D49.0
  • tonsil
    • fauces, faucial
    • lingual
    • overlapping sites
    • palatine
    • pharyngeal
    • pillar(anterior) (posterior)
  • D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    D10.4 D00.08 C09.9 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    tonsillar fossa D10.5 D00.08 C09.0 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    tooth socket NEC D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
  • trachea(cartilage) (mucosa)
    • overlapping lesion with bronchus or lung
  • D14.2 D02.1 C33 C78.39 D38.1 D49.1
    D14.2 D02.1 C33 C78.39 D38.1 D49.1
  • tracheobronchial
    • overlapping lesion with lung
  • D14.2 D02.1 C34.8- C78.39 D38.1 D49.1
    D14.2 D02.1 C34.8- C78.39 D38.1 D49.1
    tragus D23.2- D04.2- C44.20- C79.2 D48.5 D49.2
    trunk NEC D36.7 D04.5 C76.8 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    tubo-ovarian D28.7 D07.39 C57.8 C79.82 D39.8 D49.59
    tunica vaginalis D29.8 D07.69 C63.7 C79.82 D40.8 D49.59
  • turbinate(bone)
    • nasal
  • D16.4- - C41.0 C79.51 D48.0 D49.2
    D16.4- - C41.0 C79.51 D48.0 D49.2
    tympanic cavity D14.0 D02.3 C30.1 C78.39 D38.5 D49.1