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ICD-10-CM-NeoPlasms-Index Title "G"

ICD-10-CM Table of NeoPlasms (G Title)

Substance / Neoplasms Benign Ca in situ Malignant Primary Malignant Secondary Uncertain Behavior Unspecified Behavior
  • gall duct(extrahepatic)
    • intrahepatic
  • D13.5 D01.5 C24.0 C78.89 D37.6 D49.0
    D13.5 D01.5 C24.0 C78.89 D37.6 D49.0
  • gallbladder
    • overlapping lesion with extrahepatic bile ducts
  • D13.5 D01.5 C23 C78.89 D37.6 D49.0
    D13.5 D01.5 C23 C78.89 D37.6 D49.0
  • ganglia
    • basal
    • cranial nerve
  • D36.10 - C47.9 C79.89 D48.2 D49.2
    D36.10 - C47.9 C79.89 D48.2 D49.2
    D36.10 - C47.9 C79.89 D48.2 D49.2
    Gartner's duct D28.1 D07.2 C52 C79.82 D39.8 D49.59
    gastrocolic D13.99 D01.9 C26.9 C78.89 D37.9 D49.0
    gastroesophageal junction D13.1 D00.2 C16.0 C78.89 D37.1 D49.0
    gastrointestinal(tract) NEC D13.99 D01.9 C26.9 C78.89 D37.9 D49.0
    generalized - - C80.0 - - -
  • genital organ or tract
    • female NEC
      • overlapping lesion
      • specified site NEC
    • male NEC
      • overlapping lesion
      • specified site NEC
  • D28.9 D07.30 C57.9 C79.82 D39.9 D49.59
    - - C57.8 - - -
    D28.7 D07.39 C57.7 C79.82 D39.8 D49.59
    D29.9 D07.60 C63.9 C79.82 D40.9 D49.59
    - - C63.8 - - -
    D29.8 D07.69 C63.7 C79.82 D40.8 D49.59
  • genitourinary tract
    • female
    • male
  • gingiva(alveolar) (marginal)
    • lower
    • mandibular
    • maxillary
    • upper
  • D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
  • gland, glandular(lymphatic) (system)
    • endocrine NEC
    • salivary
  • glans penis D29.0 D07.4 C60.1 C79.82 D40.8 D49.59
    globus pallidus D33.0 - C71.0 C79.31 D43.0 D49.6
  • glomus
    • coccygeal
    • jugularis
  • glosso-epiglottic fold(s) D10.5 D00.08 C10.1 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    glossopalatine fold D10.5 D00.08 C09.1 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    glossopharyngeal sulcus D10.5 D00.08 C09.0 C79.89 D37.05 D49.0
    glottis D14.1 D02.0 C32.0 C78.39 D38.0 D49.1
    gluteal region D36.7 D04.5 C76.3 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
    great vessels NEC D21.3 - C49.3 C79.89 D48.1 D49.2
    groin NEC D36.7 D04.5 C76.3 C79.89 D48.7 D49.89
  • gum
    • lower
    • upper
  • D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0
    D10.39 D00.03 C03.9 C79.89 D37.09 D49.0