Effortless RAF Score Calculation: Streamline the Process with Ease!
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Image depicting the process of Prospective Gap Identification using HCC RAF Batch Scoring for efficient risk adjustment coding.
Prospective Gap Identification with
HCC RAF Batch Scoring
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ICD-10-CM Title "L"
(“lack“) L Title - (“lack“)

ICD-10-CM Index L Title - (“lack“)

    • Lack of
      • achievement in school Z55.3
      • adequateDiagnosis Hierarchy for adequate


        • food  Z59.48 Diagnosis Flag for food (Z59.48)
        • intermaxillary vertical dimension of fully erupted teeth  M26.36 Diagnosis Flag for intermaxillary vertical dimension of fully erupted teeth (M26.36)
        • sleep  Z72.820 Diagnosis Flag for sleep (Z72.820)
      • air conditioning Z59.11 Diagnosis Flag for air conditioning (Z59.11)
      • appetite(see Anorexia) R63.0 Diagnosis Flag for appetite(see Anorexia) (R63.0)
      • awareness R41.9 Diagnosis Flag for awareness (R41.9)
      • basic services in physical environment Z58.81 Diagnosis Flag for basic services in physical environment (Z58.81)
      • careDiagnosis Hierarchy for care


      • cognitive functions R41.9 Diagnosis Flag for cognitive functions (R41.9)
      • coordination  R27.9Diagnosis Hierarchy for coordination (R27.9)


      • development(physiological)  R62.50 Diagnosis Flag for development(physiological) (R62.50)Diagnosis Hierarchy for development(physiological) (R62.50)


        • failure to thrive(child over 28 days old)  R62.51 Diagnosis Flag for failure to thrive(child over 28 days old) (R62.51)Diagnosis Hierarchy for failure to thrive(child over 28 days old) (R62.51)


          • adult  R62.7 Diagnosis Flag for adult (R62.7)
          • newborn  P92.6 Diagnosis Flag for newborn (P92.6)
        • short stature  R62.52 Diagnosis Flag for short stature (R62.52)
        • specified type NEC  R62.59 Diagnosis Flag for specified type NEC (R62.59)
      • electricity services Z59.12 Diagnosis Flag for electricity services (Z59.12)
      • emotional support Z60.8 Diagnosis Flag for emotional support (Z60.8)
      • energy R53.83 Diagnosis Flag for energy (R53.83)
      • financial resources Z59.6
      • food Z59.48 Diagnosis Flag for food (Z59.48)
      • gas services Z59.12 Diagnosis Flag for gas services (Z59.12)
      • growth R62.52 Diagnosis Flag for growth (R62.52)
      • heating Z59.11 Diagnosis Flag for heating (Z59.11)
      • housing(permanent) (temporary)  Z59.00Diagnosis Hierarchy for housing(permanent) (temporary) (Z59.00)


        • adequate  Z59.10 Diagnosis Flag for adequate (Z59.10)
      • learning experiences in childhood Z62.898
      • leisure time(affecting life-style) Z73.2
      • material resources due to limited financial resources, specified NEC Z59.87 Diagnosis Flag for material resources due to limited financial resources, specified NEC (Z59.87)
      • memory - see also AmnesiaDiagnosis Hierarchy for memory


        • mild, following organic brain damage  F06.8 Diagnosis Flag for mild, following organic brain damage (F06.8)
      • oil services Z59.12 Diagnosis Flag for oil services (Z59.12)
      • ovulation N97.0 Diagnosis Flag for ovulation (N97.0)
      • parental supervision or control of child Z62.0
      • person able to render necessary care Z74.2
      • physical exercise Z72.3
      • play experience in childhood Z62.898
      • posterior occlusal support M26.57
      • relaxation(affecting life-style) Z73.2
      • safe drinking water Z58.6 Diagnosis Flag for safe drinking water (Z58.6)
      • sexualDiagnosis Hierarchy for sexual


        • desire  F52.0 Diagnosis Flag for desire (F52.0)
        • enjoyment  F52.1 Diagnosis Flag for enjoyment (F52.1)
      • shelter Z59.02 Diagnosis Flag for shelter (Z59.02)
      • sleep(adequate) Z72.820 Diagnosis Flag for sleep(adequate) (Z72.820)
      • supervision of child by parent Z62.0
      • support, posterior occlusal M26.57
      • transportation Z59.82 Diagnosis Flag for transportation (Z59.82)
      • water  T73.1Diagnosis Hierarchy for water (T73.1)


        • safe drinking  Z58.6 Diagnosis Flag for safe drinking (Z58.6)
        • services  Z59.12 Diagnosis Flag for services (Z59.12)